Custom Gameboards

  • Game Board Creation for Simulation Mode

    To create a game board that satisfies MLPro interface is immensly simple and straigtforward. Basically a MLPro game board is a class with 5 main functions. Each game board must apply the following mlpro functions:

    from import *
    class MyGameBoard(GameBoard):
        Custom game board that satisfies mlpro interface.
        C_NAME          = 'MyGameboard'
        C_LATENCY       = timedelta(0,1,0)             # Default latency 1s
        C_REWARD_TYPE   = Reward.C_TYPE_EVERY_AGENT    # Default reward type
        def __init__(self, p_mode=C_MODE_SIM, p_latency:timedelta=None, p_logging=True):
                p_mode              Mode of environment (simulation/real)
                p_latency           Optional: latency of environment. If not provided
                                    internal value C_LATENCY will be used by default
                p_logging           Boolean switch for logging
            super().__init__(p_latency=p_latency, p_logging=p_logging)
        def _setup_spaces(self):
            Implement this method to enrich the state and action space with specific
            # Setup state space example
            # self.state_space.add_dim(Dimension(0, 'Pos', 'Position', '', 'm', 'm', [-50,50]))
            # self.state_space.add_dim(Dimension(1, 'Vel', 'Velocity', '', 'm/sec', '\frac{m}{sec}', [-50,50]))
            # Setup action space example
            # self.action_space.add_dim(Dimension(0, 'Rot', 'Rotation', '', '1/sec', '\frac{1}{sec}', [-50,50]))
        def _simulate_reaction(self, p_action:Action) -> None:
            Simulates a state transition of the environment based on a new action.
            Please use method set_state() for internal update.
                p_action      Action to be processed
        def reset(self) -> None:
            Resets environment to initial state.
        def compute_reward(self) -> Reward:
            Computes a reward.
              Reward object
        def _evaluate_state(self) -> None:
            Updates the goal achievement value in [0,1] and the flags done and broken
            based on the current state.
            # state evaluations example
            # if self.done:
            #     self.goal_achievement = 1.0
            # else:
            #     self.goal_achievement = 0.0
        def _utility_fct(self, p_state: State, p_player_id):
            Computes utility of given player. To be redefined.

    One of the benefits for MLPro users is the variety of reward structures, which is useful for Multi-Agent GT and Game Theoretical approach. Three types of reward structures are supported in this framework, such as:

    1. C_TYPE_OVERALL as the default type and is a scalar overall value

    2. C_TYPE_EVERY_AGENT is a scalar for every agent

    3. C_TYPE_EVERY_ACTION is a scalar for every agent and action.

    To set up state- and action-spaces using our basic functionalities, please refer to our how to File 02 or here. Dimension class is currently improved and we will provide the explanation afterwards!

  • Environment Creation for Real Hardware Mode

    In MLPro, we can choose simulation mode or real hardward mode. For real hardware mode, the creation of an environment is very similar to simulation mode. You do not need to define _simulate_reaction, but you need to replace it with _export_action and _import_state as it is shown in the following:

    from import *
    class MyGameBoard(GameBoard):
        Custom game board that satisfies mlpro interface.
        C_NAME          = 'MyGameboard'
        C_LATENCY       = timedelta(0,1,0)             # Default latency 1s
        C_REWARD_TYPE   = Reward.C_TYPE_EVERY_AGENT    # Default reward type
        def __init__(self, p_mode=C_MODE_REAL, p_latency:timedelta=None, p_logging=True):
                p_mode              Mode of environment (simulation/real)
                p_latency           Optional: latency of environment. If not provided
                                    internal value C_LATENCY will be used by default
                p_logging           Boolean switch for logging
            super().__init__(p_latency=p_latency, p_logging=p_logging)
        def _setup_spaces(self):
            Implement this method to enrich the state and action space with specific
            # Setup state space example
            # self.state_space.add_dim(Dimension(0, 'Pos', 'Position', '', 'm', 'm', [-50,50]))
            # self.state_space.add_dim(Dimension(1, 'Vel', 'Velocity', '', 'm/sec', '\frac{m}{sec}', [-50,50]))
            # Setup action space example
            # self.action_space.add_dim(Dimension(0, 'Rot', 'Rotation', '', '1/sec', '\frac{1}{sec}', [-50,50]))
        def _export_action(self, p_action:Action) -> bool:
            Exports given action to be processed externally (for instance by a real hardware).
                p_action      Action to be exported
                True, if action export was successful. False otherwise.
        def _import_state(self) -> bool:
            Imports state from an external system (for instance a real hardware).
            Please use method set_state() for internal update.
              True, if state import was successful. False otherwise.
        def reset(self) -> None:
            Resets environment to initial state.
        def compute_reward(self) -> Reward:
            Computes a reward.
              Reward object
        def _evaluate_state(self) -> None:
            Updates the goal achievement value in [0,1] and the flags done and broken
            based on the current state.
            # state evaluations example
            # if self.done:
            #     self.goal_achievement = 1.0
            # else:
            #     self.goal_achievement = 0.0
        def _utility_fct(self, p_state: State, p_player_id):
            Computes utility of given player. To be redefined.
  • Environment Checker

    To check whether your developed game board is compatible to MLPro interface, we provide a test script using unittest. At the moment, you can find the source code here. We will prepare a built-in testing module in MLPro, show you how to excecute the testing soon and provides an example as well.