Howto BF-MT-002: Multitasking - Tasks and Workflows

Ver. 1.3.1 (2022-11-07)

This module demonstrates the use of tasks and workflows as part of MLPro’s multitasking concept. To this regard, a demo custom task class is implemented. At first the task class is instantiated 9 times, added to a workflow, and chained by predecessor relations. In two experiments the workflow is executed synchronously and in multithreading mode. In the latter case, the tasks are partly executed parallel which increases the computation performance.

In both experiments pseudo results are stored in a shared object.

You will learn:

  1. How to implement an own custom task

  2. How to store results in a shared object

  3. How to add tasks to a workflow

  4. How to run tasks and workflows in various ranges of asynchronicity


To run this howto please install the following packages

Executable code

## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## -- Project : MLPro - A Synoptic Framework for Standardized Machine Learning Tasks
## -- Package :
## -- Module  :
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## -- History :
## -- yyyy-mm-dd  Ver.      Auth.    Description
## -- 2022-10-04  1.0.0     DA       Creation/release
## -- 2022-10-09  1.1.0     DA       Simplification
## -- 2022-10-12  1.2.0     DA       Restructuring of demo steps
## -- 2022-10-13  1.3.0     DA       Simplification and reduction to multithreading
## -- 2022-11-07  1.3.1     DA       Minor correction
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ver. 1.3.1 (2022-11-07)

This module demonstrates the use of tasks and workflows as part of MLPro's multitasking concept.
To this regard, a demo custom task class is implemented. At first the task class is instantiated 9 
times, added to a workflow, and chained by predecessor relations. In two experiments the workflow is 
executed synchronously and in multithreading mode. In the latter case, the tasks are partly executed 
parallel which increases the computation performance.

In both experiments pseudo results are stored in a shared object.

You will learn:

1) How to implement an own custom task 

2) How to store results in a shared object

3) How to add tasks to a workflow 

4) How to run tasks and workflows in various ranges of asynchronicity


from time import sleep
from import Log
import as mt
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from cmath import pi, sin, cos, tan
import random

## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class MyTask (mt.Task):
    Demo implementation of a task with custom method _run().

    # needed for proper logging (see class
    C_NAME      = 'My task'

## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def __init__( self, 
                  p_range_max: int = mt.Task.C_RANGE_THREAD, 
                  p_logging=Log.C_LOG_ALL ):

        super().__init__( p_name=p_name,
                          p_logging=p_logging )

        self._duration = p_duration

## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def _run(self, **p_kwargs):

        tid = self.get_tid()
        # 1 Dummy implementation to simulate a busy sub-task
        time_start =
        result     = 0

        while True:
            # do something meaningful
            for i in range(500): 
                result += sin(random.random()*pi) * cos(random.random()*pi) * tan(random.random()*pi)

            time_current =
            time_diff    = time_current - time_start
            if time_diff >= self._duration: break

        # 3 Sub-task can optionally store resuls in the shared object.
        self._so.add_result(p_tid=self.get_name(), p_result=result)

# 1 Preparation of execution
if __name__ == '__main__':  
    # 1.1 Preparation for demo mode
    duration    = timedelta(0,1,0)
    pause_sec   = 5
    logging     = Log.C_LOG_ALL

    # 1.2 Preparation for unit test mode
    num_tasks   = 2
    duration    = timedelta(0,0,10000)
    pause_sec   = 0
    logging     = Log.C_LOG_NOTHING

# 2 Creation of a workflow with 9 tasks within

# 2.1 Creation of 9 tasks
t1a = MyTask( p_duration=duration, p_name='t1a', p_logging=logging )
t1b = MyTask( p_duration=duration, p_name='t1b', p_logging=logging )
t1c = MyTask( p_duration=duration, p_name='t1c', p_logging=logging )

t2a = MyTask( p_duration=duration, p_name='t2a', p_logging=logging )
t2b = MyTask( p_duration=duration, p_name='t2b', p_logging=logging )
t2c = MyTask( p_duration=duration, p_name='t2c', p_logging=logging )

t3a = MyTask( p_duration=duration, p_name='t3a', p_logging=logging )
t3b = MyTask( p_duration=duration, p_name='t3b', p_logging=logging )
t3c = MyTask( p_duration=duration, p_name='t3c', p_logging=logging )

# 2.2 Create a workflow and add the tasks
wf = mt.Workflow( p_name='wf1', 
                  p_logging=logging )

# 2.2.1 At first we add three tasks that build the starting points of our workflow
wf.add_task( p_task=t1a )
wf.add_task( p_task=t1b )
wf.add_task( p_task=t1c )

# 2.2.2 Then, we add three further tasks that shall start when their predecessor tasks have finished
wf.add_task( p_task=t2a, p_pred_tasks=[t1a] )
wf.add_task( p_task=t2b, p_pred_tasks=[t1b] )
wf.add_task( p_task=t2c, p_pred_tasks=[t1c] )

# 2.2.3 Finally, we add three further tasks that build the end of our task chains
wf.add_task( p_task=t3a, p_pred_tasks=[t2a, t2b, t2c] )
wf.add_task( p_task=t3b, p_pred_tasks=[t2a, t2b, t2c] )
wf.add_task( p_task=t3c, p_pred_tasks=[t2a, t2b, t2c] )

# 3 Run the workflow synchronously p_range=mt.Workflow.C_RANGE_NONE, p_wait=True )
wf.log(Log.C_LOG_TYPE_I, 'Result in shared object:\n', wf.get_so().get_results())

# 4 Clear result list in shared object and wait for next run (for better observation)
wf.log(Log.C_LOG_TYPE_W, 'Short break for better observation of CPU load in perfmeter')

# 5 Run the same workflow asynchronously in multithreading mode p_range=mt.Workflow.C_RANGE_THREAD, p_wait=True)
wf.log(Log.C_LOG_TYPE_I, 'Result in shared object:\n', wf.get_so().get_results())


The howto example logs details of the two runs (workflow synchronously/multithreading). A short break between the workflow runs allows a better observation of CPU load in the system monitor.


Cross References