Game Theory

Game Theory (GT) is well-known in economic studies as a theoretical approach to model the strategic interaction between multiple individuals or players in a specific situation. Game Theory approach can also be adopted in the science area to optimize decision-making processes in a strategic setting and often use to solve Multi-Agent RL (MARL) problems.

You can easily access the GT module, as follows:

from import *

Some of developed RL frameworks in MLPro can also be reuse in the GT approach. Thus we can just simply inherit some classes from RL frameworks, such as:

  1. GameBoard(rl.Environent)

    Since you need a unique utility function for each specific player in the GT approach. A local utility function can be defined as below:

    import fhswf_at_ml.rl.models as rl
    class GameBoard(rl.Environment):
        Model class for a game theoretical game board. See super class for more information.
        C_TYPE              = 'Game Board'
        C_REWARD_TYPE       = rl.Reward.C_TYPE_EVERY_AGENT
        def compute_reward(self) -> rl.Reward:
            if self._last_action is None: return None
            reward = rl.Reward(self.get_reward_type())
            for player_id in self.last_action.get_agent_ids():
                reward.add_agent_reward(player_id, self._utility_fct(player_id))
            return reward
        def _utility_fct(self, p_player_id):
            Computes utility of given player. To be redefined.
            return 0
  2. Player(rl.Agent)

    import fhswf_at_ml.rl.models as rl
    class Player(rl.Agent):
        This class implements a game theoretical player model. See super class for more information.
        C_TYPE      = 'Player'
  3. Game(rl.Scenario)

    import fhswf_at_ml.rl.models as rl
    class Game(rl.Scenario):
        This class implements a game consisting of a game board and a (multi-)player. See super class for
        more information.
        C_TYPE      = 'Game'
  4. MultiPlayer(rl.MultiAgent)

    import fhswf_at_ml.rl.models as rl
    class MultiPlayer(rl.MultiAgent):
        This class implements a game theoretical model for a team of players. See super class for more
        C_TYPE      = 'Multi-Player'
        def add_player(self, p_player:Player, p_weight=1.0) -> None:
            super().add_agent(p_agent=p_player, p_weight=p_weight)
  5. Training(rl.Training)

    import fhswf_at_ml.rl.models as rl
    class Training(rl.Training):
        This class implements a standardized episodical training process. See super class for more information.
        C_NAME      = 'GT'

You can check out some of the examples on our how to files or here.