Howto OA-003: Accessing Data from Scikit-Learn

Executable code

## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## -- Project : MLPro - A Synoptic Framework for Standardized Machine Learning Tasks
## -- Package : mlpro
## -- Module  :
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## -- History :
## -- yyyy-mm-dd  Ver.      Auth.    Description
## -- 2022-06-16  0.0.0     LSB      Creation
## -- 2022-06-16  1.0.0     LSB      Release of first version
## -- 2022-06-18  1.0.1     LSB      Restructured logging output
## -- 2022-06-25  1.0.2     LSB      Refactoring for new label and instance class
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ver. 1.0.2 (2022-06-25)

This module shows how to wrap MLPro's Stream and StreamProvider class to Scikit learn, including how to fetch the
list of streams and downloading a stream from the list of streams available with the stream provider, getting the
feature spaces of the particular stream. This module also illustrates how to reset the stream and fetch the stream
instances as needed.
Please run the following code to understand the wrapper functionality and to produce similar results.

from mlpro.wrappers.sklearn import *
from import Log

# Checking for unit test
if not __name__ == '__main__':
    p_logging = Log.C_LOG_NOTHING
    p_logging = Log.C_LOG_ALL

# 1. Create a Wrapper for OpenML stream provider
sk_learn = WrStreamProviderSklearn(p_logging=p_logging)

# 2. Get a list of streams available at the stream provider
stream_list = sk_learn.get_stream_list(p_logging=p_logging)

# 3. Get a specific stream from the stream provider
stream = sk_learn.get_stream('iris')

# 4. get the feature space of the stream
feature_space = stream.get_feature_space()
sk_learn.log(stream.C_LOG_TYPE_I,"Number of features in the stream:",feature_space.get_num_dim(),'\n\n')

# 5. resetting the stream

stream.log(stream.C_LOG_TYPE_W,'Fetching the stream instances')
# 6. Loading stream instances
for i in range(10):
    curr_instance = stream.get_next()
    curr_features = curr_instance.get_feature_data().get_values()
    curr_label = curr_instance.get_label_data().get_values()
    stream.log(stream.C_LOG_TYPE_I, '\n\nCurrent Instance:', curr_features, '\nLabel:', curr_label, '\n')

# 7. resetting the stream

# 8. Getting stream instances
stream.log(stream.C_LOG_TYPE_W,'Fetching the stream instances')
for i in range(5):
    curr_instance = stream.get_next()
    curr_features = curr_instance.get_feature_data().get_values()
    curr_label = curr_instance.get_label_data().get_values()
    stream.log(stream.C_LOG_TYPE_I, '\n\nCurrent Instance:', curr_features, '\nLabel:', curr_label, '\n')