Custom Policies

  • Policy Creation


    To create a GT policy that satisfies MLPro interface is pretty straight forward. You just require to assure that the GT policy consists at least the following 3 main functions:

    from mlpro.rl.models import *
    class MyPolicy(Policy):
        Creates a policy that satisfies mlpro interface.
        C_NAME          = 'MyPolicy'
        def _init_hyperparam(self, **p_par):
            Implementation specific hyperparameters can be added here. Please follow these steps:
            a) Add each hyperparameter as an object of type HyperParam to the internal hyperparameter
               space object self._hyperparam_space
            b) Create hyperparameter tuple and bind to self._hyperparam_tuple
            c) Set default value for each hyperparameter
            p_par : Dict
                Futher model specific parameters, that are passed through constructor.
        def compute_action(self, p_obs: State) -> Action:
            Specific action computation method to be redefined.
            p_obs : State
                Observation data.
            action : Action
                Action object.
        def _adapt(self, *p_args) -> bool:
            Adapts the policy based on State-Action-Reward-State (SARS) data.
            p_arg[0] : SARSElement
                Object of type SARSElement.
            adapted : bool
                True, if something has been adapted. False otherwise.

    To set up a hyperparameter space, please refer this how to file.

  • Algorithm Checker

    A test script using unittest to check the develop policies will be available soon!