Howto BF-MATH-001: Dimensions, Spaces and Elements

Ver. 1.1.1 (2023-03-02)

This module demonstrates how to create a space and subspaces and to spawn elements.

You will learn:

  1. How to use the space, subspace, dimension and elements classes of MLPro in native and custom implementations.

  2. How to create a Space object and how to add dimensions to the Space.

  3. How to create an Element in a defined space, i.e. element with values for number of dimensions for the related space.

  4. How to change values of an Element object.

  5. How to calculate the euclidean distance between two elements of given Space.


Please install following packages to run this howto

Executable code

## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## -- Project : MLPro - A Synoptic Framework for Standardized Machine Learning Tasks
## -- Package :
## -- Module  :
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## -- History :
## -- yyyy-mm-dd  Ver.      Auth.    Description
## -- 2021-05-28  1.0.0     DA       Creation/Release
## -- 2021-09-11  1.0.0     MRD      Change Header information to match our new library name
## -- 2021-09-23  1.0.1     DA       Adaption to changes in class Element
## -- 2021-12-03  1.0.2     DA       New method copy_append_spaces()
## -- 2022-02-25  1.0.3     SY       Refactoring due to auto generated ID in class Dimension
## -- 2022-12-09  1.1.0     DA       Refactoring due to new restrictions in class Set
## -- 2023-03-02  1.1.1     LSB      Refactoring
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ver. 1.1.1 (2023-03-02)

This module demonstrates how to create a space and subspaces and to spawn elements.

You will learn:

1. How to use the space, subspace, dimension and elements classes of MLPro in native and custom implementations.

2. How to create a Space object and how to add dimensions to the Space.

3. How to create an Element in a defined space, i.e. element with values for number of dimensions for the related space.

4. How to change values of an Element object.

5. How to calculate the euclidean distance between two elements of given Space.

from import Log
from import *

## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class MathDemo(Log):

    C_TYPE      = 'Demo'
    C_NAME      = 'Spaces & Elements'

    # Some constants for dimension indices to make it more understandable 
    C_POS       = 0
    C_VEL       = 1
    C_ACC       = 2
    C_ANG       = 3
    C_AVEL      = 4
    C_AACC      = 5

## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def __init__(self, p_logging=True):

## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def create_euclidian_space(self):
        self.espace = ESpace()
        self.espace.add_dim(Dimension( p_name_short='Pos', p_name_long='Position', p_unit='m', p_unit_latex='m', p_boundaries=[0,100]))
        self.espace.add_dim(Dimension( p_name_short='Vel', p_name_long='Velocity', p_unit='m/s', p_unit_latex='\frac{m}{s}', p_boundaries=[-100,100]))
        self.espace.add_dim(Dimension( p_name_short='Acc', p_name_long='Acceleration', p_unit='m/qs', p_unit_latex='\frac{m}{s^2}', p_boundaries=[-100,100]))
        self.espace.add_dim(Dimension( p_name_short='Ang', p_name_long='Angle', p_unit='deg', p_unit_latex='deg', p_boundaries=[-45,45]))
        self.espace.add_dim(Dimension( p_name_short='AVel', p_name_long='Angle Velocity', p_unit='deg/s', p_unit_latex='\frac{deg}{s}', p_boundaries=[-100,100]))
        self.espace.add_dim(Dimension( p_name_short='AAcc', p_name_long='Angle Acceleration', p_unit='deg/qs', p_unit_latex='\frac{deg}{s^2}', p_boundaries=[-100,100]))
        _ids = self.espace.get_dim_ids()
        self.C_POS       = _ids[0]
        self.C_VEL       = _ids[1]
        self.C_ACC       = _ids[2]
        self.C_ANG       = _ids[3]
        self.C_AVEL      = _ids[4]
        self.C_AACC      = _ids[5]
        self.log(self.C_LOG_TYPE_I, '6-dimensional Euclidian space created')

## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def create_subspace1(self):
        self.subspace1 = self.espace.spawn([self.C_POS, self.C_VEL, self.C_ACC])
        self.log(self.C_LOG_TYPE_I, 'Subspace 1 - Number of dimensions and short name of second dimension:', self.subspace1.get_num_dim(), self.subspace1.get_dim(self.C_VEL).get_name_short())

## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def create_subspace2(self):
        self.subspace2 = self.espace.spawn([self.C_ANG, self.C_AVEL, self.C_AACC])
        self.log(self.C_LOG_TYPE_I, 'Subspace 2 - Number of dimensions and short name of third dimension:', self.subspace2.get_num_dim(), self.subspace2.get_dim(self.C_AACC).get_name_short())

## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def create_subspace3(self):
        self.subspace3 = self.espace.spawn([self.C_POS, self.C_ANG])
        self.log(self.C_LOG_TYPE_I, 'Subspace 3 - Number of dimensions and short name of second dimension:', self.subspace3.get_num_dim(), self.subspace3.get_dim(self.C_ANG).get_name_short())

## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def create_element(self):
        self.elem = Element(self.espace)
        self.log(self.C_LOG_TYPE_I, 'New element created with dim ids / values:', self.elem.get_dim_ids(), ' / ', self.elem.get_values())

## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def change_elem_values(self):
        # Changing a value indexed by a unique dimension index...
        self.elem.set_value(self.C_POS, 4.77)
        self.elem.set_value(self.C_VEL, -8.22)
        self.log(self.C_LOG_TYPE_I, 'Element changed to ', self.elem.get_values())

## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def calculate_distance(self):
        e1 = Element(self.espace)
        e2 = Element(self.espace)
        self.log(self.C_LOG_TYPE_I, 'New element e1 =', e1.get_values())
        self.log(self.C_LOG_TYPE_I, 'New element e2 =', e2.get_values())
        self.log(self.C_LOG_TYPE_I, 'Euclidian distance between e1 and e2 =', self.espace.distance(e1,e2))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    demo = MathDemo()



Cross Reference