Howto BF-MATH-010: Normalizers

Ver. 1.0.4 (2022-11-03) Example file for demonstrating the use of MLPro’s normalizer for normalizing and de-normalizing data.

You will learn:

  1. How to update parameters for Normalization

  2. How to update parameters based on single element/data

  3. How to normalize a data element (ndarray/mlpro element) by MinMax or ZTransofrm

  4. How to denormalize a data element (ndarray/mlpro element) by MinMax or ZTransofrm

  5. How to renormalize the data element (ndarray/mlpro element) with respect to the changed parameters


Please install following packages to run this howto

Executable code

## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## -- Project : MLPro - A Synoptic Framework for Standardized Machine Learning Tasks
## -- Package :
## -- Module  :
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## -- History :
## -- yyyy-mm-dd  Ver.      Auth.    Description
## -- 2022-09-16  0.0.0     LSB      Creation
## -- 2022-09-25  1.0.0     LSB      Release of first version
## -- 2022-10-01  1.0.1     LSB      Renormalization
## -- 2022-10-06  1.0.2     LSB      Refactoring
## -- 2022-10-16  1.0.3     LSB      Updating z-transform parameters based on a new data/element(np.ndarray)
## -- 2022-11-03  1.0.4     LSB      refacoring for update with replaced data (a-transformer)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ver. 1.0.4 (2022-11-03)
Example file for demonstrating the use of MLPro's normalizer for normalizing and de-normalizing data.

You will learn:

1. How to update parameters for Normalization

2. How to update parameters based on single element/data

3. How to normalize a data element (ndarray/mlpro element) by MinMax or ZTransofrm

4. How to denormalize a data element (ndarray/mlpro element) by MinMax or ZTransofrm

5. How to renormalize the data element (ndarray/mlpro element) with respect to the changed parameters
import numpy as np

from import *

# checking for internal unit tests
if __name__ == '__main__':
    p_printing = True
    p_printing = False

# Creating Numpy dummy Dataset
my_dataset = np.asarray(([45,-7,65,-87],[21.3,47.1,-41.02,89],[0.12,98.11,11,-56.01],[7.12,55.01,4.78,5.3],

# Creating a dummy set with dummy dimensions
my_set = Set()
my_set.add_dim(Dimension(p_name_short='1', p_boundaries=[10,19]))
my_set.add_dim(Dimension(p_name_short='2', p_boundaries=[-9,10]))

# Creating a dummy element to normalize
my_state = Element(my_set)

# Creating Normalizer object
my_normalizer_minmax = NormalizerMinMax()
my_normalizer_ztrans = NormalizerZTrans()

# 1. Setting parameters for NormalizationZTrans
my_normalizer_ztrans.update_parameters(p_dataset = my_dataset)
if p_printing:
    print('01. Parameters updated for the Z transformer\n\n')

# 2. Normalizing a numpy array/ a dataset (as an array) in Z transformation
normalized_data = my_normalizer_ztrans.normalize(p_data=my_dataset)
if p_printing:
    print('02. Normalized value(Z transformer):\n', normalized_data,'\n\n')

# 3. De-normalizing a numpy array/ a dataset (as an array) in Z transformation
denormalized_data = my_normalizer_ztrans.denormalize(p_data=normalized_data)
if p_printing:
    print('03. Denormalized value (Z transformer):\n', denormalized_data,'\n\n')

# 4. Updating the parameters using a new element to the dataset
new_data = np.asarray([12,-71,74,-12], dtype=np.float64).reshape(1,4)
my_normalizer_ztrans.update_parameters(p_data_new = new_data)
if p_printing:
    print('04. Parameters updated for the Z transformer\n\n')

# 5. Normalizing the new element with new parameters
normalize_new = my_normalizer_ztrans.normalize(new_data)
if p_printing:
    print('\n05. Normalized Data (Z transformer):', normalize_new,'\n\n')

# 6. Validating the changed parameters
#    6.1 Adding the new element in the dataset
my_dataset = np.append(my_dataset, new_data, axis=0)
#    6.2 Setting up the parameters based on the new dataset
#    6.3 Normalizing the element for validation
normalized_val = my_normalizer_ztrans.normalize(new_data)
if p_printing:
    print('\n06. Normalized Data (validation Z transformer): ', normalized_val, '\n\n')

# 7. Updating parameters with replaced data

p_data_old = my_dataset[1].copy()
my_dataset[1] = np.asarray([4.1,7.8,-41, 15.3], dtype=np.float64).reshape(1,4)
my_normalizer_ztrans.update_parameters(p_data_new=np.asarray([4.1,7.8,-41, 15.3], dtype=np.float64).reshape(1,4),
if p_printing:
    print('\n07. Normalization parameters updated for z-transformer based on replaced data')

# 8. Normalizing the new element with new parameters
normalize_new = my_normalizer_ztrans.normalize(new_data)
if p_printing:
    print('\n08. Normalized Data (Z transformer):', normalize_new,'\n\n')

# 9. Validating the updated parameters
#   9.1. Updating parameters based on the new dataset
normalized_val = my_normalizer_ztrans.normalize(new_data)
if p_printing:
    print('\n09. Normalized Data (validation Z transformer): ', normalized_val, '\n\n')

# 10. Setting parameters for Normalization
my_normalizer_minmax.update_parameters(p_set = my_set)
if p_printing:
    print('10. Parameters updated for the MinMax Normalizer\n\n')

# 11. Normalizing using MinMax
normalized_state = my_normalizer_minmax.normalize(my_state)
if p_printing:
    print('11. Normalized value (MinMax Normalizer):\n', normalized_state.get_values(),'\n\n')

# 12. De-normalizing using MinMAx
denormalized_state = my_normalizer_minmax.denormalize(normalized_state)
if p_printing:
    print('12. Denormalized value (MinMax Normalizer):\n', denormalized_state.get_values(),'\n\n')

# 13. Updating the boundaries of the dimension
if p_printing:
    print('13. Boundaries updated (MinMax Normalizer)\n\n')

# 14. Updating tbe normalization parameters for the new set
if p_printing:
    print('14. Parameters updated for MinMax normalizer\n\n')

# 15. Renormalizing the previously normalized data with the new parameters
re_normalized_state = my_normalizer_minmax.renormalize(normalized_state)
if p_printing:
    print('15. Renormalized value (MinMax Normalizer):\n', re_normalized_state.get_values(),'\n\n')

# 16. Validating the renormalization
normalized_state = my_normalizer_minmax.normalize(my_state)
if p_printing:
    print('16. Normalized value (Validation renormalization):\n', normalized_state.get_values(),'\n\n')


The results will be available as follows

01. Parameters updated for the Z transformer

02. Normalized value(Z transformer):
 [[ 1.04497494 -0.38178705  1.89666962 -1.91464488]
 [ 0.38490458  0.7682956  -1.63116063  1.15923813]
 [-0.20498109  1.85268962  0.09981211 -1.37339696]
 [-0.0100236   0.93645002 -0.10715926 -0.30260282]
 [-1.44410306 -0.24405349  0.20363054 -0.24671404]
 [ 1.93982982 -0.72489859 -0.51710897 -0.17999681]
 [ 0.01727045  0.35396823 -1.29807649 -0.08428727]
 [-0.0907917  -2.0231527   1.30171013  1.0389026 ]
 [-1.69055718 -0.21120917 -0.09837462  0.84888074]
 [ 0.05347684 -0.32630247  0.15005757  1.05462132]]

03. Denormalized value (Z transformer):
 [[ 45.     -7.     65.    -87.   ]
 [ 21.3    47.1   -41.02   89.   ]
 [  0.12   98.11   11.    -56.01 ]
 [  7.12   55.01    4.78    5.3  ]
 [-44.371  -0.521  14.12    8.5  ]
 [ 77.13  -23.14   -7.54   12.32 ]
 [  8.1    27.61  -31.01   17.8  ]
 [  4.22  -84.21   47.12   82.11 ]
 [-53.22    1.024   5.044  71.23 ]
 [  9.4    -4.39   12.51   83.01 ]]

04. Parameters updated for the Z transformer

05. Normalized Data (Z transformer): [[ 0.11994467 -1.47066196  1.74588644 -0.56725513]]

06. Normalized Data (validation Z transformer):  [[ 0.11994467 -1.47066196  1.74588644 -0.56725513]]

07. Normalization parameters updated for z-transformer based on replaced data

08. Normalized Data (Z transformer): [[ 0.16683367 -1.45314853  1.7459814  -0.48625054]]

09. Normalized Data (validation Z transformer):  [[ 0.16683367 -1.45314853  1.7459814  -0.48625054]]

10. Parameters updated for the MinMax Normalizer

11. Normalized value (MinMax Normalizer):
 [1.         0.78947368]

12. Denormalized value (MinMax Normalizer):
 [19.  8.]

13. Boundaries updated (MinMax Normalizer)

14. Parameters updated for MinMax normalizer

15. Renormalized value (MinMax Normalizer):
 [2.60655738 9.86666667]

16. Normalized value (Validation renormalization):
 [-0.58667025  0.98222222]

Cross References