Custom Algorithms

  • Policy Creation

    To create a RL policy that satisfies MLPro interface is pretty direct. You just require to assure that the RL policy consists at least these following 3 main functions:

    from mlpro.rl.models import *
    class MyPolicy(Policy):
        Creates a policy that satisfies mlpro interface.
        C_NAME          = 'MyPolicy'
        def __init__(self, p_state_space:MSpace, p_action_space:MSpace, p_ada=True, p_logging=True):
                p_state_space       State space object
                p_action_space      Action space object
                p_ada               Boolean switch for adaptivity
                p_logging           Boolean switch for logging functionality
            super().__init__(p_ada=p_ada, p_logging=p_logging)
            self._state_space   = p_state_space
            self._action_space  = p_action_space
        def adapt(self, *p_args) -> bool:
            Adapts the policy based on State-Action-Reward (SAR) data that will be expected as a SAR
            buffer object. Please call super-method at the beginning of your own implementation and
            adapt only if it returns True.
                p_arg[0]            SAR Buffer object
            if not super().adapt(*p_args): return False
            return True
        def clear_buffer(self):
            Intended to clear internal temporary attributes, buffers, ... Can be used while training
            to prepare the next episode.
        def compute_action(self, p_state:State) -> Action:
            Specific action computation method to be redefined.
                p_state       State of environment
                Action object

    This class represents the policy of a single-agent. It is adaptive and can be trained with State-Action-Reward (SAR) data that will be expected as a SAR buffer object.

    The three main learning paradigms of machine learning to train a policy are supported:

    1. Training by Supervised Learning: The entire SAR data set inside the SAR buffer shall be adapted.

    2. Training by Reinforcement Learning: The latest SAR data record inside the SAR buffer shall be adapted.

    3. Training by Unsupervised Learning: All state data inside the SAR buffer shall be adapted.

    Furthermore a policy class can compute actions from states.

    Hyperparameters of the policy should be stored in the internal object self._hp_list, so that they can be tuned from outside. Optionally a policy-specific callback method can be called on changes. For more information see class HyperParameterList.

    To set up a hyperparameter space, please refer to our how to File 04 or here.

  • Policy from Third Party Packages

    In addition, we are planning to reuse Ray RLlib in the near future. For more updates, please click here.

  • Algorithm Checker

    A test script using unittest to check the develop policies will be available soon!